Kelsey Williams

Ask me about
- Trialling work in the mining and electricity distrbution sectors
- Designing renewable energy solutions for customers
About me
- Regional Background
My senior school subjects were English, Maths C, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry and Home Economics. I was struggling to choose what I was going to do after high school because there were just too many options!
Then someone from Central Queensland University came to talk to my cohort about the engineering program they offered. I really liked the sound of a challenging, technical profession with so many different industries/areas available to work in.
21 months of industry placements during my 4.5 years of study helped me decide the electricity industry was where I wanted to be. Upon graduating, I joined the Ergon Energy graduate program and completed rotations in Rockhampton and Townsville for 3 years.
After the graduate program I started my current role at Yurika as a Product Engineer in the Energy and Infrastructure team.
About my role
- Analytical
- Curious
- Flexible
- Innovative
- Practical
A Product Engineer within the Energy and Infrastructure team at Yurika works to provide predominantly commercial and industrial customers with site specific energy “products”/solutions.
The key work activities of this role include:
- meeting with customers to understand their energy needs and to propose/present potential solutions
- conduct analysis of customer energy data and electricity costs to determine feasibility for solar/battery/microgrid applications
- attend site visits at customer premises to scope physical installation options/requirements of solution
- designing solar PV and/or battery systems by completing design calculations, drafting drawings, making design decisions to deliver cost effective, safe, and compliant solutions
- evaluation of different technologies and equipment to develop Yurika’s product and service offerings to improve value for customers
- provide engineering support to the delivery team for construction of energy solutions
- providing engineering support to the operations team with underperformance or fault investigations
- High School Certificate
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (with first class honours)
- Diploma of Professional Practice
- Chemistry
- Food and Technology
- Mathematical Methods (Maths B)
- Physics
- Specialist Mathematics (Maths C)
- Ergon Energy Electrical Engineering Scholarship
- Engineers Australia Queensland Electrical Medal for achieving the best results in fourth year Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)
- Art
- Renovating
- Seeing family and friends
- Volunteering
- 1 Dog

15 year old me!!
My career journey
Studied Electrical Engineering at CQU
Completed industry placements in mining and electricity distribution
Joined Ergon Energy graduate program
Moved from Rockhampton to Townsville
Started as a Product Engineer for Yurika based in Rocky
My typical day