Monica Louda

Ask me about
- Meeting amazing people who are so brilliant in their roles
- Building up and teaching younger professionals in their career
About me
- International Experience
- Regional Background
I am a Senior Mechanical Engineer with Aurecon for almost 3 years. I did not think this was where I would end up when I left school and decided to study Mechatronics Engineering.
The passion for building and creating something to help others has been with me since I was young and has taken me on an amazing journey from studying at Sydney University to working for a year before heading back to Sydney University for a PhD.
After my PhD, I worked at a design and construct company at all the various stages of design and construct projects. Since then, I have worked with numerous design consultancies as well as key suppliers of bulk materials handling equipment, enjoying learning and being challenged all the way.
About my role
- Analytical
- Focused
- Innovative
- Passionate
- Reliable
- Thorough
- Understanding
At Aurecon Mechanical Engineers work on very interesting projects at all stages of their development and construction.
Some projects that Aurecon has been involved in are new Shiploaders, upgrading existing shiploaders and their associated coal terminals; bulk materials (coal, alumina, iron ore etc.) transport studies at all levels of assessment with different modes of transport including: conveyor (various options), rail and trucking; Order of magnitude and Pre-feasibility studies on capital projects for clients to direct their capital spending to the most important projects to keep the plant operational.
- High School Certificate
- Bachelor of Science (majoring in Pure Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics)
- PhD of Engineering (Mechatronics)
- Chemistry
- English
- History
- Languages
- Physics
- Specialist Mathematics (Maths C)
- Shell award for best Electronics student in Year 3 of engineering study
- Cooking
- Hiking
- Seeing family and friends
- Swimming
- Tennis

15 year old me!!
My career journey
Awarded a PhD
Scored New Caledonia job
Landed Brisbane job - moved to Brisbane
Worked on the longest Overland Conveyor
Senior Mechanical Engineer
My typical day

My employer