Nicole Brunner

Ask me about
- Why a cadetship is a great way to gain industry experience
- How we use 3D printing to find solutions
About me
- Regional Background
I have always had an interest in aerospace and aviation.
When I graduated high school, my focus was on becoming a pilot in the Australian Defence Force. Unfortunately, this pathway wasn’t meant to be so I starting looking into engineering.
I enrolled to study Mechanical Engineering at QUT in 2014, and made the move from my home-town of Toowoomba, to Brisbane.
After two years of full-time study, I was offered a Cadetship back in Toowoomba at mining/manufacturing company. I continued my studies part-time, online at UniSQ, while working full-time. This was a great way to study and gain industry experience.
Upon completing my degree, I continued on with my first employer as a Graduate Engineer. I worked there for a total of 6.5 years, up until I started at Boeing in mid-2022. Now here I am, working as an engineer in the industry I’ve always strived to be a part of.
About my role
- Focused
- Personable
- Relaxed
- Reliable
Manufacturing Engineers are responsible for deciding the best way to build a complete aircraft. They start with a design that’s made up of multiple components, then come up with a plan on how to put it all together in a way that’s efficient, safe and cost effective. This involves step-by-step assembly instructions, and deciding what equipment and tools are needed.
It is important to support and communicate with different people, including other engineering teams, suppliers (where and who to get parts from), and assembly workers who are putting the parts together.
A big part of engineering is about solving problems and coming up with a better way to do things, which can mean looking into interesting, new technologies and innovations, like 3D printing for example.
- High School Certificate
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Mechanical
- Aerospace Systems
- Digital Design/Information Technology
- Engineering/Engineering Skills
- Mathematical Methods (Maths B)
- Physics
- Specialist Mathematics (Maths C)
- UniSQ Project Showcase 2019 – Best Poster
- Bachelor Degree with First Class Honours
- UniSQ Rodney Rookwood Memorial Prize
- Gym
- Reading
- Seeing family and friends
- 2 Dog

15 year old me!!
My career journey
Pursued career as defence force pilot
Didn’t work out so started Mechanical Engineering degree in Brisbane
Started cadetship at mining and manufacturing company in Toowoomba
Completed degree and continued on as a Graduate Engineer.
Started at Boeing, Manufacturing Engineer; first Toowoomba-based employee
My typical day

My employer